Research Pulse: Future focussed health insights
Join us as we speak to leading researchers from CALHN and discuss their world-class health research and how it’s contributing to world-class care.
Brought to you by the Central Adelaide Local Health Network, comprising the Royal Adelaide Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and other sites and services.
Research Pulse: Future focussed health insights
Understanding hereditary pancreatitis to improve diagnosis
CALHN Research Pulse podcast | Season 1 Episode 2 |
Today we’re focusing on a research discovery relating to hereditary pancreatitis that could help to improve health in Aboriginal Australians.
We speak with world-renowned researcher Professor Toby Coates AO, Director of Kidney and Islet Transplantation at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Read the published paper here: https://doi.org/10.5694/mja2.51517
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